Military Legal Education and Training Branch

SJA Seal
Staff Judge Advocate
Headquarters Marine Corps

Military Legal Education and Training (JET) directly supports the SJA to CMC’s responsibility for development and oversight of legal education and training in the Marine Corps.  

The branch coordinates the efforts of Marine Corps legal practice area stakeholders in systematically reviewing and developing legal education and training for both legal and non-legal personnel.

The branch coordinates with other Marine Corps entities, the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, and other military Services on matters of legal education and training. 

Military Legal Education and Training Branch
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (JET)
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon Room 4D558
Washington, D.C. 20350-3000

Organizational Mailbox:

Board of Inquiry Members Training: 

This microcourse is designed for Marines assigned to be a member of a Board of Inquiry.  The course covers the roles, responsibilities, policies, and procedures applicable to the conduct of a show-cause Board of Inquiry.

BOI Primer The purpose of this primer is to summarize key aspects of the governing references in order to help prepare you for your duties as a Member. 


Administrative Separation Board Member Training:

This microcourse is designed for Marines assigned as a member of an enlisted administrative separation board.  The course covers the roles, responsibilities, policies, and procedures applicable to the conduct of an enlisted administrative board.

AdSep Primer The purpose of this primer is to summarize key aspects of the governing references in order to help prepare you for your duties as a Member.