Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center 29 Palms

SJA Seal
Victim Witness Assistance Program
29 Palms, California

The Victim and Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) is designed to ensure victims and witnesses of crime are treated with fairness and dignity and are afforded their rights throughout the criminal justice process – from the first report of a crime through any period of confinement adjudged by a court-martial.

The Marine Corps VWAP instruction is MCO 5800.16.


Victim and Witness Liaison Officer
Captain Kimberly Martinez
COM: 760-830-5060

Acts as the Commanding General, MCAGCC, MAGTFTC’s manager for the VWAP Program aboard the base.  In that capacity, Captain Martinez chairs the VWAP Council, manages and maintains a list of all unit Victim Witness Assistance Coordinators and other base Victim Witness Representatives, provides liaison with local civilian services for victims of crime, tracks all services provided and is the central point of contact for the base program.

Pursuant to Marine Corps Directives, each office or agency which provides services to victims and witnesses (see list below) appoints a Victim Witness Assistance Representative and each unit (Battalion and Squadron level and above) appoints a Victim Witness Assistance Coordinator (VWAC).  The VWAC and other representatives are responsible for that unit or office’s part of the station VWAP.

COM: 760-830-7200

Victims' Legal Counsel Organization
COM: 760-830-5162
Legal Assistance
COM: 760-830-6111

Prosecution/Military Justice Office
COM: 760-830-6782

29 Palms Criminal Investigation and Law Enforcement
NCIS – COM: 760-830-6275
CID   – COM: 760-830-6820
PMO – COM: 760-830-6800

Victim Advocacy Support Program/Family Advocacy
COM: 760-830-6345

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Main: COM: 760-830-7118, 24/7
Duty: COM: 760-799-0273

Correctional Facilities (Brigs)
MCAS Yuma: COM: 928-269-2880
MCB Pendleton: COM: 760-725-8561
MCAS Miramar: COM: 858-577-7069

COM: 760-830-2190

Barstow Victim Services Center
235 East Mt. View,
Barstow, CA  92311
COM: 703-256-4896

Joshua Tree Victim Services Center
6527 White Feather Road,
Joshua Tree, CA  92252
COM: 703-366-5740

Desert Sanctuary (Haley House)
Barstow, CA
Office Number: COM: 703-256-3733
24-Hour Hotline: COM: 703-256-3441 or 
COM: 800-982-2221 

High Desert Domestic Violence Shelter
Location: Victorville
Office Number: COM: 703-843-0701
24-Hour Hotline: COM: 703-949-4357 

Location: Big Bear Lake
Office Number: COM: 800-866-1546
24-Hour Hotline: COM: 800-851-7601 

Option House, Inc.
Location: San Bernadino
Office Number: COM: 800-383-1602
24-Hour Hotline: COM: 800-381-3471 

Life Works Counseling
1401 North El Camino Real Suite 201,
San Clemente, CA  92672
COM: 949-361-8883    Permanent Changes
800 South El Camino Real,
San Clemente, CA  92672
COM: 949-388-2763

A Better Way Outreach Program
Office Number: COM: 703-955-8010
24-Hour Hotline: COM: 703-955-8723

House of Ruth
Location: Inland Empire
Office Number: COM: 800-623-4634
24-Hour Hotline: COM: 800-988-5559

San Bernardino County Victim Services
San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office
Phone: COM: 800-387-8309